Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Mother's Day

Well Sunday was Mother's Day!  As I am sure you are all aware :)  Mother's Day at our house was very subdue due to the fact that KJ had surgery this past Friday to correct his sleep apnea.  It is a pretty major surgery and involves a two week recovery.  So at our house we are focused on getting him feeling better :)
However, I did take the day to take the kids to Edwin Warner Park to see the tadpole pond and walk around.  We had a really good time and the kids were fascinated with the tadpoles.  There were thousands of them!  I, of course, brought my camera to capture our time together.  It was a sweet time and it is so fun to see my kids so fascinated by nature!

We think CG had inherited my Mom's green thumb.  She is fascinated with flowers!
It didn't take anytime for my son to start sticking his hands in the pond to try and catch the tadpoles!

HJ was pointing out a big tadpole to CG.

Unfortunately, out time at the park ended with CG falling into the pond!  She was not a big fan of that!  I tried hard not to laugh!

Monday, May 4, 2009

HJ's Spring Program

So I broke my word about posting more frequently!  For that I apologize.  Life just gets hectic sometimes with two kids :)

Last Friday was HJ's spring program at school.  His class performed two songs.  The theme was patriotism and they were so cute!  I managed to snap some good pics.  HJ was excited because not only were KJ and I there but his Grandma got to attend too.  He was so proud and did I mention how cute he looked?

                                                          Quite the ladies man, I would say!