Tuesday, September 2, 2008


I am tired! We survived our first super busy week with both kids back in school and me going to meetings. I have volunteered to be the room Mom for HJ's class this year and am also on the Hospitality committee for the school. With the year just starting, everyone had to get caught up on responsibilities, etc!
CG started preschool for the first time. She is loving it and can't wait to go each day. The school has a Noah's Ark theme this year and her class is the Elephants. I think she has been watching HJ go to school for 2 years now and she is excited to see what it it all about. She did not cry or anything when I left her the first day and was so excited to tell me about her day when I picked her up. She is definitely handling it better than her Momma who can't believe she is already old enough for preschool! I miss her terribly when she is not home. CG goes to school MWF.
HJ goes WRF. It is kind of an odd schedule but when I figured out I get one day a week home alone with each one separately I was really excited. I haven't had consistent time alone with HJ in 3 years! I pray it will be a sweet bonding time for us this year as this is his last year home before he starts kindergarten. I hope not to have to do to many chores or errands the days I am home with the kids alone. I want that to be a special fun time for them.
HJ absolutely loves school and his teachers are amazing! We were truly blessed to have been led to this school. We love it there.
Well I am off to start another busy week. Posts will probably still be pretty sparse due to my trying to get ebay auctions listed and such but I hope in a few weeks to be back to regular postings! The pics above are CG on her first day. She was so happy!