Posted by Nashvillians Now at 9:03 PM 1 comments
So I broke my word about posting more frequently! For that I apologize. Life just gets hectic sometimes with two kids :)
Posted by Nashvillians Now at 11:02 AM 1 comments
It is so crazy to me that my baby is not really a baby anymore. She especially loves to tell me this. It is just not possible that she could be four next month. How on earth did that happen? KJ and I are both baffled about where the time went with her and why it is going so fast.
I am also incredibly amazed at the fact that she has a whole little life apart from me at her preschool. She is making friends on her own totally independent of her parents and her brother. She has one little friend in particular that she loves. We will call her Miss R. They are totally best buddies. Apparently it is a mutual affection according to Miss R's Mom and the girls' teachers at school. We finally got the two giggle boxes together last week for a play date. It was an eye opener for me to see CG playing so independently without her brother leading the way. I loved listening and watching her play her way with her friend without a big brother interfering. It was a sweet time and really made me realize how much CG is growing and maturing.
This weekend we ran into her little friend at the soccer field and we all went out to lunch after the games. All the adults seem to get along too so hopefully CG will get to play with Miss R more often which will thrill her. Miss R is also moving to HJ school next year with CG so they will be together next year too!
* I know there have been a lot of posts about CG and I apologize! It seems like there has been more to write about lately that involves her.*
Posted by Nashvillians Now at 1:16 PM 1 comments
Well for little man it was! Soccer has started and the first game was last Saturday. I missed all but the last 5 minutes because I was working at our church Easter egg hunt. I really missed out on the action, as little man had a hat trick (he scored 3 goals!) It looks like it will be an exciting season! Stay tuned for more photos and recaps.
The photo above was taken in the last bit of the game where HJ was taking his time out. Look at how red his cheeks are! When his is in the game he gives it 110%. When it is his turn to sit down he is riveted by what is happening on the field.
Posted by Nashvillians Now at 9:26 PM 0 comments
On an almost 4 year old, both the cherry blossom look
and the self-dressed princess look some how work.
Posted by Nashvillians Now at 5:22 PM 1 comments
As I am sure you have noticed, spring time is here! The trees are turning green or flowering, bulbs are blooming, and it is getting warmer. It is just beautiful outside! It is such a time of hope and renewal!
I am enjoying taking Molly on more walks now that it is warmer again. I always walk her on the same routine. For the last couple of days, I have been admiring this absolutely gorgeous yard in our neighborhood. It is full of blossoming cherry trees. The trees are absolutely beautiful. They are so full and heavy with blossoms, some of the branches are close to the ground. Every time I have walked by the house, I have thought it would be an absolutely perfect place to take pics of Callie. I could even see the pictures in my head.
Well on Friday, my desire for the pictures got the better of me. I decided to just go ring the door bell and ask if I could take pictures in their yard. I have never done something like that before but I REALLY wanted to take those pictures. So I worked up the courage to do it and did! The lady was so nice and seemed so flattered that I wanted to do that. She even walked me around her whole yard showing me other places she thought would make pretty pictures. She encouraged me to move around the wrought iron furniture and use it if I wanted to too. I am so glad that I asked! So without further ado, here are some of the spring pictures with the cherry blossoms I snapped of Callie!
Posted by Nashvillians Now at 7:03 AM 1 comments
A couple of weeks ago, I had the pleasure of going on a women's retreat with some of the women from my church. I was actually very hesitant about going as I don't really know anyone that well. However, God truly blessed me on this retreat! It was at a beautiful house on Smith Lake in Alabama. The house sat on a point and was surrounded by water. It was just beautiful! Spring was starting to show and the weather was perfect. I got to know a lot of women better in an uplifting environment. We did the Beth Moore video series "Loving Well," which was great! It was a really good time and I am so glad I got over my own shyness and went!
Below are some pics I took from the retreat:
My favorite group shot.
There was lots of laying around relaxing and talking during the weekend. It was so refreshing! This is my friend Hope lounging.
There was also lots of good food shared around a big table!
Everyone had a gift bag filled with great little goodies but was also for people to write notes of encouragement and kindness to you and place in the bag. When you left the retreat you had a bag filled with goodies and sweet notes!
The daffodils on the property had just bloomed and were so pretty!
Posted by Nashvillians Now at 12:34 PM 1 comments
So as everyone has now noticed, I have been on a blogging break. My only excuse has been complete blogging burnout. I have just needed a hiatus from the blog and also some time away from the computer for the most part. However, it has meant a lot to me to hear how much my family and friends have missed it. I am now (I think) ready to jump back into regular blogging. So hopefully the blogging break is over!
On to another break! We had our spring break from school last week and chose to spend it visiting family and friends in Ktown. I packed the kids up and headed to Knoxville last Sunday and came back yesterday. KJ joined us on Wed. there for a needed break from work. During our time in Knoxville, we got to go to the zoo, visit friends and family, and enjoy a sweet birthday party! KJ and I even got to enjoy a date night to his favorite restaurant called Trailhead which is up in Townsend. Below you will find my pictures from the week. Hope you enjoy! I already miss everyone and wish we could have seen even more friends!
Tuesday's Zoo Trip with Friends:
Checking out the rhinos.
Enjoying the petting zoo which completely grosses me out and makes me nervous!
HJ and Miss M posing with the zoo Beaver.
Watching the elephants!
Sweet, sweet kids!
Friends since they were 3 months old! You wouldn't know they haven't seen each other in months!
Thursday's Dinner and Smore's Roast with Sweet Friends!
I can't get over how much this little girl looks like her Momma! I love her eyes!
These balls are meant to be jumped on while you are sitting on them. However, two almost 6 year old boys grow tired really quick of playing with them they way they are meant to be played with!
Playing on the slide.
HJ roasting his marshmallow.
Blowing out his marshmallow fire.
Enjoying their yummy smores.
I can't decide if I like this picture better in color or b&w.
On Friday we enjoyed breakfast with our beloved Grammy and Grampy! She makes KJ's favorite breakfasts.
Friday evening we had a lot of fun celebrating a birthday with friends at an inflatable play place. The kids had a blast and completely wore themselves out. We enjoyed catching up with more friends!
Posted by Nashvillians Now at 2:16 PM 2 comments
"He Fills My Life With Good Things." Psalms 103:5