Monday, April 6, 2009

My Baby

It is so crazy to me that my baby is not really a baby anymore. She especially loves to tell me this. It is just not possible that she could be four next month. How on earth did that happen? KJ and I are both baffled about where the time went with her and why it is going so fast.
I am also incredibly amazed at the fact that she has a whole little life apart from me at her preschool. She is making friends on her own totally independent of her parents and her brother. She has one little friend in particular that she loves. We will call her Miss R. They are totally best buddies. Apparently it is a mutual affection according to Miss R's Mom and the girls' teachers at school. We finally got the two giggle boxes together last week for a play date. It was an eye opener for me to see CG playing so independently without her brother leading the way. I loved listening and watching her play her way with her friend without a big brother interfering. It was a sweet time and really made me realize how much CG is growing and maturing.
This weekend we ran into her little friend at the soccer field and we all went out to lunch after the games. All the adults seem to get along too so hopefully CG will get to play with Miss R more often which will thrill her. Miss R is also moving to HJ school next year with CG so they will be together next year too!

* I know there have been a lot of posts about CG and I apologize! It seems like there has been more to write about lately that involves her.*


Anonymous said...

It is so hard to believe that she's gotten so big, but yet it seems eons ago since we ran into you in the Home Depot parking lot and you were pregnant with her! Such sweet smiles!