Thursday, April 17, 2008

A Moment of Silence

I would like to have a moment of silence for the passing of my dishwasher yesterday. .............................................................

Okay, now I feel better. Well not really because I have a major problem now. It is called being lazy. You see when your dishwasher no longer works, a funny thing happens: dishes from 4 people pile up everywhere and there is no place to put them in that they come out clean a little while later. They just sit around taunting me and begging me to wash them. But what they don't understand is that I DON'T WANT TO WASH THEM because I AM LAZY! And so I sit writing this blog while I should be in the kitchen getting caught up on all the dishes that need washing (by hand, yuck!)

I have threatened bodily harm to my husband if a new dishwasher is not purchased tonight for installation tomorrow. I hope he knows I am serious.


Joy said...

I will be hoping for a new dishwasher for you! We had to replace ours not to long ago. Every time I used it an odor would appear kind of like something being on fire...lovely huh! I LOVE my new dishwasher...silly, I know! Hopefully your hubby will fare well and decide to head out to find a new dishwasher this evening! ;) It is the little things isn't it!

Aimee D said...

here's hoping that your counter is clear this weekend and a new little friend is installed in your kitchen!
in the meantime, just pretend that washing dishes by hand will make your hands softer and prettier (isn't that what that old commercial for dawn or something used to say?) :)

Are We There Yet?? said...

Oh dear...I would just die. I don't think I've ever handwashed a dish...I would have them stacked all over the house. ;)

I am hoping and praying that you now have a shiny, new dishwasher at your house that is washing away!

Nashvillians Now said...

It looks like I am going to have awhile longer of washing dishes and am going to go thru massive amounts of paper plates. If anyone knows my hubby, they know he likes to research everything he buys to the ninth degree. A dishwasher is no exception. Apparently the model he wants is not in stock anywhere in Nashville and must be ordered which can take up to two weeks!!!! Agggggggghhhhhhh. I see a lot of eating out in our future until the dishwasher gets here.