Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Prayer Leave

I am writing with such a heavy heart right now. Over the last week, there have been some big family issues to arise. With my heart so heavy and burdened right now, I find it hard to think of much else but prayer. I feel God calling me to it right now. I am going to take a hopefully short leave from my blog to devote the time I usually blog to more prayer. I know that God can make all things work to his glory and I cling to that promise. If you would like to pray with me for my family, please pray for:

even tempers

The good news that through all this ugliness, I have felt God's guidance in a way I never have before. That is really neat. I have felt him holding my tongue and temper at bay, with the exception of one incidence (I am a hot head) and he gives me the words to say when needed, it is truly a miracle and so amazing to have the words to say when I have no idea, they just appear and flow off my tongue with nothing on my part. He is awesome! I know God is in control of this ugly situation and I will try and turn my trust over to him and rely on him in all things. I will pray that he helps me respond to the situation and person in a godly manner.

Psalm 69: 5-6
O God, it is You who knows my folly, and my wrongs are not hidden from You. May those who wait for You not be ashamed through me, O Lord God of hosts; may those who seek You not be dishonored through me, O God of Israel.

Oh, and for those of you so concerned, green smoothies will still be served daily at our house. Feel free to stop on by and have one!


The Simpson Family said...

You are ALL in my thoughts and prayers, Christy. ALL things are possible through God. I am committed to praying with you! Love you guys!!!