Wednesday, February 13, 2008

The Flu

HJ has been sick since Saturday and CG and I for the last two days. I was getting nervous because rather than getting better HJ has seemed to alternate between getting worse and staying stagnant. I thought he was getting better yesterday but then he spiked a 102 degree fever last night. He even asked to go to bed last night before I was ready to put him to bed. That is something HJ has NEVER done. I decided that this was enough and that we needed to go to the doctor. CG and I are still pretty yucky so I made appointments for all of us. We went in today and the first thing they did was stick a swab up our noses to check for the flu. I was like the flu, we all got flu shots, this just has to be a bad cold. The nurse just looked at me like "We'll see" Oh, and let me tell you that the nose swab hurts like hades. She did me first so I could show the kids it was not big deals. It brought tears to my eyes it stung so bad. I just knew it was going to go over well with the kids. Next she did CG who screamed bloody murder. When it came time for HJ he wanted no part of it. I had to hold him down! So that was super fun!
The doctor came in and was talking to us and asking all our symptoms when the nurse came in and said all three of them have the flu. I was still in denial and was like "We can't we all got flu shots" The doc said there is a strain going around resistant to the vaccine and that is what we have. Lovely! He said we should all be feeling a little better in about a week and that we were all highly contagious since we all had fevers and yucky noses and coughs. Super! Poor HJ was devastated that he would be missing his Valentine's Day party at school and the field trip to see the groundhogs. I feel so bad for him. He has felt awful for way longer than he can ever remember feeling yucky!
The doctor then looked at me and asked how I was holding up and taking care of the kids? I thought about it and realized it is by God's grace that he gives mothers the strength and energy to deal with what needs dealing with ie: getting up 6 times a night to see to children who can't sleep b/c they feel so awful and are having chills and hot flashes while Mommy has her own, making sure everyone is fed (or at least attempted to feed since no one feels like eating), and just making sure everyone has what they needs. God really does provide what we need, when we need it. KJ has been working so much lately and is rarely home before 10pm lately and I am so thankful that I am so well taken care of in my father's arms! If you think about it please pray for healing for the three of us and continued energy and strength for me! Please also pray that KJ does not get this. Things are pretty stressful at work lately as they are going thru major changes and getting sick is the last thing he needs right now! Working late has probably been a blessing for KJ as it has kept him away from all this illness.
We hope everyone is having a wonderful week and are staying healthy! I pray the Lord meets you in your needs this week.


Aimee D said...

Ack! The flu! I feel so bad for you guys! I haven't had the flu since I was pregnant with Will and it wore me to pieces. We will surely be praying for healing and strength for all of you!
Get well!

Joy said...

"He tends his flock like a shepherd: He gathers the lambs in his arms and carries them close to his heart; he gently leads those that have young."
Isaiah 40:11
We are praying for you!