Monday, February 11, 2008

Hiking in the Yard

When Mom comes down, the kids love to go explore our backyard and neighboring nature preserve. They call it their hikes. The love to find a stick to carry and poke in holes and generally explore with. My Mom is great about making up all sorts of animal tracks and snake holes and the kids really feel like they are exploring and discovering unchartered territory with Mom. She is so good at spinning stories and such.
On Saturday, HJ woke up with a runny nose. It was pretty gross but he seemed to feel fine and we went on to the zoo. By the time we got home he was feeling worse and by the time nap time was over he was running a fever and very weak. However, he was VERY upset at the idea of not exploring with Grandma. So we put the kids boots on and loaded HJ into the trusty backpack and away they went for a little bit. I took off to Walgreens to get some meds for HJ. He has been pitiful for the remainder of the weekend. Yuck!
Thanks Grandma, for coming and spending the day with us on Saturday. We had a lot of fun even if HJ was a little under the weather!