Monday, February 4, 2008

Lost Boys

This weekend we got visit with some great guys we haven't seen in awhile. The first being Opa (okay granted we saw him over Christmas but not since then which is a long time to go without seeing him!) Opa came down and brought HJ's Christmas gift they gave him because it would not fit in our car when we came home for Christmas. It is the cool jeep that the kids love driving around the yard.

The second guy we got to see was a friend who moved to Kansas from Knoxville a few years ago. We were in a Bible study with he and his wife Jennifer before we had kids (they moved shortly after Hunter was born). He was in town for some military training or something along those lines. I am so glad he called and came over for dinner and to hang out! It has been too long! Maybe he can get his whole family to join him in Nashville in April when he has to come back! (Hint, Hint!) They would have free lodging and meals and really who can beat that!

Thanks for blessing us with your company Robbie and Shae! We had a lot of fun.